Fundamental Proposition for Up ! Application System
The fundamental proposition for Up ! Application System is the following:
- The definition of the business is stable in time.
This stability comes from:
- The strategic planning, which is defining the strategic activities of an enterprise or a public service, is a long-term vision.
- The know-how and the corporate culture are the spirit of the experience, what is the product of time.
- The way to realize the business is instable with time.
This instability comes from opportunities and threats of the environment, which are implying:
- This jeopardizes an organization depending of the success of commercial offers or lived crisis.
- The set-up of new technologies that is more productive or less sparing.
- The arrival of new competencies, the staff rotation, the departure of key competencies or the change of geographical perimeters introduces cultural changes.
- The business modeling for a given business line is the same whatever its actors.
The macro value chain up to the final consumer that is integrating the numerous suppliers, undertakers, co-contractors and dealers characterizes a business line.
- The know how of an enterprise or a public service that is creating value is unique.
Apart of the business modeling, two competitors that are earning money have a different experience and a different corporate culture.
Two competitors that have a similar know how can however not propose offers that are not differentiated on the product / communication / distribution mix marketing, what makes get plough the price, ultimate component of mix marketing. It is a prejudice for the created value, due to the lack of differentiation perceived by their clients.