Generic Components

The bank of generic components of Up ! Virtual Business Machine is modeling in a macroscopic view all the parts of a private or public enterprise or of an administration. These components are to be employed for the atomic activities of the value chain that do not behold competitive advantages or only secondary ones. This position corresponds on average to 65% of the atomic activities.

These components are ready to use. Once built, you have just: The business expertise rules, the roles, the processes and the linking between business components are coming from the business modeling made previously with Up ! Workbench.

Since our bank of components is not completed, you can participate to its elaboration joining Up ! Community. This low investment from yourself will allow us better taking into account the state of art of your domain, which will be quickly useful for you.


Business InterfaceSemantic
IPostalAddressPostal address: number, street, zip code, city, country, etc.
ICategoryCategory: naming of business objects having the same semantic.
ICoordinatesCoordinates: postal address, electronic address, phone number, etc.
IIndividualIndividual : name, first name, date of birth, coordinates, etc.
IDetailOfADocumentDetail of document for management: item, amount, etc.
IDocumentDocument for management: writer, total amount, detail, etc.
IBusinessObjectGeneric business object: creator, modifier, comment, etc.
ICompanyCompany: trade name, coordinates, numbering, etc.

Decision-making Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
IClientCompanyClient company of the firm: brand name, numbering, coordinates, etc.
ICompetitorCompanyCompany in competition with the firm: brand name, numbering, coordinates, etc.
IFinancingCompanyCompany financing the firm: brand name, numbering, coordinates, etc.
ISupplyingCompanyCompany supplying the firm: brand name, numbering, coordinates, etc.
IPartnerCompanyPartner company of the firm: brand name, numbering, coordinates, etc.

Financing Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
IAdvanceAdvance on invoicing: amount, open amount, etc.
ICreditCredit on invoice: amount, concerned invoices, etc.
IAnalyzeCenterAnalyze center: analytical perimeter, etc.
ICostCenterCost center: analytical perimeter, etc.
IProfitCenterProfit center: analytical perimeter, etc.
IGeneralAccountGeneral account: label, comment, etc.
IWarantDepositWarant deposit: amount, etc.
ITermTerm of settlement: forecasted date, amount, etc.
ITermScheduleSchelude of settlement term: targeted credence, terms, etc.
IInvoiceInvoice: client, amount, open amount, detail, etc.
ILettreringLettering: debit pieces, credit pieces, amount, etc.
IDelayedAgreementDelayed agreement: debit pieces, responsible people, etc.
IFinancingStaffFinancing counterpart of the firm: civil status, coordinates, etc.
IAccountingPieceAccounting piece: total amount, kind, etc.
ISettlementSettlement: date, amount, etc.
IFinancingCompanyCompany financing the firm: trade name, numbering, coordinates, etc.
ITaxesTaxes: rate, applying rule, etc.
ITransactionCommercial transaction: suppliers, partners, etc.

Human Resources Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
IStaffStaff working for the firm: civil status, coordinates, etc.
IClientStaffCounterpart of a client of the firm: civil status, coordinates, etc.
IEmployeeStaffEmployed people by the firm: civil status, coordinates, in date, out date, etc.
IFinancingStaffCounterpart of a financing company of the firm: civil status, coordinates, etc.
ISupplierStaffCounterpart of a supplier of the firm: civil status, coordinates, etc.
IPartnerStaffCounterpart of a partner company: civil status, coordinates, etc.

Information System Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
IApplicationBusiness application: name, server, etc.
IUserUser of a business application: name, kind, etc.

Logistics Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
IItemItem in inventory: label, quantity, etc.
IDeliverOrderDeliver order: item, detail, client, etc.

Method Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
IOrganizationOrganization: responsible people, employees bound to, etc.

Operational Marketing Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
IPartnerStaffCounterpart of a partner of the firm: civil status, coordinates, etc.

Planning Activities...

Business InterfaceSemantic

Production Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic

Purchasing Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
IPurchaseOrderPurchase order: item, client, detail, etc.
IContractContract: supplying company, date of signing, date of applying, etc.
ICatalogOfferOffer registered into the catalog: item, price, taxation, etc.
IDiscountedOfferDiscounted offer: original offer, discount, etc.
ISupplierStaffCounterpart of a supplier of the firm: civil status, coordinates, in date, out date, etc.
ISupplyingCompanySupplying company of the firm: trade name, numbering, coordinates, etc.
ITransactionCommercial transaction: suppliers, partners, etc.

Research & Development Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic

Sales Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
ICreditCredit on invoice: amount, concerned invoices, etc.
IPurchaseOrderPurchase order: item, client, detail, etc.
IContractContract: supplying company, date of signing, date of applying, etc.
IInvoiceInvoice: client, amount, open amount, detail, etc.
ICatalogOfferOffer registered into the catalog: item, price, taxation, etc.
IDiscountedOfferDiscounted offer: original offer, discount, etc.
IClientStaffCounterpart of a client of the firm: civil status, coordinates, etc.
ISettlementSettlement: date, amount, etc.
IClientCompanyClient company of the firm: brand name, numbering, coordinates, etc.
ITransactionCommercial transaction: suppliers, partners, etc.

Services Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic

Strategic Marketing Activities

Business InterfaceSemantic
ICompetitorCompanyCompany in competition with the firm: brand name, numbering, coordinates, etc.