Up ! Healthcare Components
The bank of specific components of Up ! Healthcare is modeling in a macroscopic view all the parts of a private or public enterprise or of an administration of the healthcare business line. These components are to be employed for the atomic activities of the value chain that do not behold competitive advantages or only secondary ones. This position corresponds on average to 25% of the atomic activities.
These components are ready to be enhanced. Once built, you have just:
- To complete them according to your specific needs.
By adding propefties for information, methods for actions and exceptions for supplementary diagnostics.
By adding new status or new status values for the processes.
- To link your business expertise rules.
They will influence the behavior of the business objects.
- To set your vocabulary.
The business objects will then employ your terminology and your definitions.
- To tune your human-machine interfaces.
Starting with the automatically generated interfaces depending of the business view you defined for each role.
- To tune your reports.
Starting with the automatically generated interfaces depending of the business view you defined for each role.
- To define your business desktop.
According to your methods and your habits.
The business expertise rules, the roles, the processes and the linking between business components are coming from the business modeling made previously with Up ! Workbench.
Since our bank of components is not completed, you can participate to its elaboration joining Up ! Community. This low investment from yourself will allow us better taking into account the state of art of your domain, which will be quickly useful for you.